INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Agostinho Neto Pointe-Noire
Company Date Flight Scheduled Destination Terminal Status
AIR FRANCE 14/12/2024 AF 928 07:55 LUANDA Take off at 07:58
AFRICA AIRLINES 14/12/2024 AAT 101 08:15 BRAZZAVILLE Take off at 08:15
CANADIAN AIRWAYS CONGO 14/12/2024 TWC 651 08:30 BRAZZAVILLE Take off at 08:47
AIR COTE D'IVOIRE 14/12/2024 HF 839 09:10 ABIDJAN Take off at 09:20
EQUATORIAL CONGO AIRLINES 14/12/2024 EJ 102 09:45 BRAZZAVILLE Take off at 09:46
ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES 14/12/2024 ET 861 14:15 ADDIS ABABA Take off at 14:21
CANADIAN AIRWAYS CONGO 14/12/2024 TWC 653 14:30 BRAZZAVILLE Take off at 14:34
MEDAIR 14/12/2024 MED 14:40 ABUJA Take off at 14:41
AFRICA AIRLINES 14/12/2024 AAT 103 14:45 BRAZZAVILLE Take off at 14:46
AIR FRANCE 14/12/2024 AF 929 22:25 PARIS-CDG Check-in in progress
Company Date Flight Scheduled Origin Terminal Status
AIR FRANCE 14/12/2024 AF 928 06:15 PARIS-CDG Landed at 06:52
AIR COTE D'IVOIRE 14/12/2024 HF 839 08:20 ABIDJAN Landed at 08:23
EQUATORIAL CONGO AIRLINES 14/12/2024 EJ 101 08:55 BRAZZAVILLE Landed at 08:52
CANADIAN AIRWAYS CONGO 14/12/2024 TWC 652 11:10 BRAZZAVILLE Landed at 11:18
AFRICA AIRLINES 14/12/2024 AAT 102 11:20 BRAZZAVILLE Landed at 11:08
ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES 14/12/2024 ET 861 13:15 ADDIS ABABA Landed at 13:11
MEDAIR 14/12/2024 MED 13:45 LANSERIA Landed at 13:45
AFRIJET BUSINESS SERVICE 14/12/2024 J7 356 17:00 LIBREVILLE Landed at 19:08
AIR FRANCE 14/12/2024 AF 929 20:55 LUANDA

Before you leave

To guarantee the best quality of service and limit significantly waiting time, it is essential to report your needs to your airline or travel agent once you have booked your flight.
For the best delivery of the assistance you need, please arrive at the airport at least 3 hours before your flight departure time.

Upon arrival

To make your arrival relaxed and comfortable, people with disabilities shall disembark after other passengers. If you need a wheelchair or personal assistance, please inform your airline or your travel agency.